Our Story
Cover the City Project started in 2013 when Amanda Anderson noticed a homeless man sleeping on a bench behind the High Point Krispy Kreme. She watched the man for weeks and then around Christmas time she rallied some friends to pull together their resources to give this man coats, scarves, blankets, and gift cards to local restaurants. After delivering these items to this man, Amanda went to her friend Leslie Graham at Open Door Ministries and asked how she could help those in need. Blankets were an immediate need at the time and continue to be during the winter months.
Thus, Cover the City was formed to be able to support the homeless population in shelters and also those who do not utilize the shelters during the coldest times of the year. Every November we host a blanket drive throughout our different chapters to collect new and gently used blankets for those in need. Our mission is to cover cities literally and physically with warmth and love.
Executive Director, Amanda Anderson (above).
Executive Director, Amanda Anderson (left), and President, Leslie Graham (right).